Fairness according to the Tories

I saw the advert which tells potential home-owners that if they can afford to save for the deposit to a house, then the Government will contribute a maximum of £3000 towards this. So, if you are wealthy, and can afford a deposit – and so therefore a mortgage – this generous Tory government will assistContinue reading “Fairness according to the Tories”

Modern Tory-ism

The Tories, under ‘yes-man’ David Cameron – with the assistance of ‘get-my-own-back-man’ Ian Duncan Smith (both of whom are Millionaires) – are intent of reducing the size of the State. In order to achieve this, they are making the State a big-enough bully to be able to force the weak and the vulnerable to take-careContinue reading “Modern Tory-ism”